The Document Requests page, is the first page presented upon login to the Dashboard. Here you will see the Request pipeline of all E-sign Requests that have been created by Operators. 

* Admin Operators will have access to all Operators' Requests.


You can search for a specific Document Request by Reference #, Consumer's Email, Last or First Name.

New Requests

Click the New Request button to create a new consumer request for E-form documentation submission. First, enter the consumer's email address to verify they do not have any requests already open. Once verified, proceed with entering the consumer's first and last name, and although not required, it is recommend you enter a reference number for internal tracking. Next, click continue to select the form(s) needed for that Consumer and continue again. Lastly, you can also request uploads, which would allow the consumer to upload a digital file of supporting documentation they have on hand. For example, a picture of front and back of drivers license, or scanned PDF of Birth Certificate.

Request Pipeline

You can sort the request pipeline by either Documents Updated or Requests Updated. Simply click on either column heading to sort in ascending or descending order. Each row in the Request pipeline is an independent consumer request, that when clicked takes you to that request's details page. 

Request Details

This is where you can see specific details related to the consumer's request and download the signed forms upon completion. You can also Re-notify the consumer, in the event they may no longer have their original request email or serve as a reminder to the consumer to complete their request.

Here, you can also access the Consumer's Profile page where you can see the consumer's progress for completion and all documentation that the consumer has provided.

Lastly, this is where you could Request More if new or additional forms and/or uploaded documents are needed to be signed by that same consumer. This is often utilized when consumer authorization has expired and new permissions are needed.