Upon logging in to the Dashboard you are presented with the following features across the header:
- Document Requests - Here you can create new e-sign document requests, search created requests, and click through a consumer request to see the details page.
- Financial Reports - Allows you to look up financial reports requested from, and/or submitted by the consumer for processing, as well as create new consumer financial report requests. Admins can view all reports. Agents can only view reports assigned to them.
- Consumers - Allows you to see all consumer profiles that have passed though the Portal and access their Submission/Progress Overview page where you can see submission statuses/progress and download documents. Here again, Admins can view all documents and reports. Agents can only view reports of patients assigned to them.
- Manage Members - (Admins Only) Where you can add, search, edit, and delete Operators with access to the Dashboard.
- Name Drop-list - By clicking the down arrow you will have access to your Profile page, the support portal, Dashboard settings (Admins Only), and Logout.
** Admin Operators have access to all features and functionality of the FinCertify Dashboard.