**Only Admins have access to the Employees page.

The Employees tab, is where you add and manage your team employees and roles. 

There are 3 types of employee roles in PatientClear:

  • Agent - has the ability to create Patients, then request and access documents from any patients
  • Manager - has the same abilities as an Agent, but can also generate Reports 
  • Admin - has access to all features and functionality in the PatientClear Dashboard


You can search for a specific member by Last Name.

Filter Buttons

You can filter the member pipeline by member role. Simply click any of the role buttons for a corresponding filtered view.

Download All

Allows you to download a .CSV of all employees with access to your PatientClear Dashboard 

Employee Pipeline

Each row in the employee pipeline is an independent member that when clicked takes you to that Employee's Profile page. The Employee's Profile page is where you can manage that member's profile details, reset their password, and/or delete them from the PatientClear Dashboard altogether.