In the event you need to upload documents on behalf of your applicant conduct the following steps:
Please be aware that when you cursor over any buttons in the platform you are informed of what that button does.
- From the Home Page, find and click on the Case # for the specific applicant you are uploading documents for
- Click the Documents Icon on the left panel Navigation bar (3rd icon down)
- Next click the Upload Document button (3rd button next to Batch Actions)
- Now, click on or drag and drop files on to the upload box on the left side
- Note that a maximum of 5 files can be uploaded at once
- Accepted file types include: jpg, doc, xls, pdf, zip, csv, docx, xlsx, odt, txt, rtf
- Select the files you want uploaded for the applicant and click Open
- Lastly, select Document and Validity type from the corresponding dropdowns, for each of the files that were uploaded as well as add any comments you feel necessary per file
- Finally, click the Upload button at the bottom of the screen to finalize uploads for the applicant