If you are having issues with finding your institution through the search feature on the portal follow the below steps:

Verify that you have the correct spelling of the Institution.

  • If Correct - Verify that there are search results and be sure to look carefully and to scroll through all of the search results. Many institutions have many different sites that can be logged into. You must ensure that the institution you log into directly is listed in the search results and select that one.
    • If there are search results - If there are search results with the correct institution spelling but you still cannot find your specific site narrow your search term. For example searching for just 'Credit Union' may exceed the search results limit and a more specific search is needed. If the site still cannot be found then its likely not supported and you will not be able to link that specific account. A support ticket may be opened to one of our support representatives notifying them of the site that is not supported. 
    • If there are no search results - If there are no search results, verify that the institution being searched for does not have any special characters that might be present in the name. Example: Search for 'E*Trade' rather than 'ETrade'. If the site still cannot be found then its likely not supported and you will not be able to link the account. A support ticket may be opened to one of our support representatives notifying them of the site that is not supported.
  • If Not Correct - Try again with correct spelling.