Once an order has been created the Dashboard will notify the customer, through email, that an order is awaiting their action to be fulfilled. This order will appear as 'Pending' inside of the Dashboard, and designates an order waiting on customer action and fulfillment. 

In the event you notice a customer's order has stayed in pending status for longer than what should be expected or the customer has communicated no email was received, you may re-issue an email notification. To do so you may:

  • Select the Actions menu of the pending order while on the Orders page (The '3 dots') and select 'Send Notification'.
  • Click the 'Re-notify' button in the Actions section of Order Details page (Top right-hand corner).

Common reasons why a customer may not have received an email notification may be:

  1. The email address listed in the order is incorrect. Edit the order and ensure the correct email.
  2. The email may be in the customer's spam folder. Have the customer check their spam folder.